Sec. 3 Houses For Sale 921 House For Sal 921 Houses For Salo 921 Acreage Houses To Moved A Jl Lake Houses J.JLSL Lots 912 ant JL SL JJ a Tl A A PARR CROSSWORD PUZZLE By Douglas Cooper add A I kljoI i I CD! A A kTtTaP si lI i 1 ei rD gTeirI sA wlnljl pi I jr A nH I TlJolC Al'. 1 A I I "tl 1 1 fJ TL EMIT ACROSS 22. Ilk 41. Newly-hatched 1.
Rice dish: 23. Choral odes salmon variant 25. Confesses 43. Cottonwoods 6. Footless 26.
Drive at an 45. Entertain animal angle lavishly 10. Wrinkled 27. Attributable 46. Calm 11.
Candytuft 28. Peacock 47. Incline 13. Chemist's pot 30. Shipworms 48.
Pitchers 14. Infer 34. Bolt 15 Belgian 35. Soft shoe resort 36. Quality of DOWN 16 Burn with sound 1.
Rostrum water 37. Annex Lizard 18. Ocean 38. Grows 3. Youth 19 Languish 40.
Japanese 4. Sweetsop 21. Seaweed coin 5. Greet 6. Retired 7.
In accordance with 8. Prayer 9. Several 10. Files 1 2 3 4 lb 7 8 9 10 1 11 12 0 15 1.6 17 18 "19- 20 IT" 22 23 24 1 2b 26 i 27 1 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Ti 42 43 44 47 48 AP Newsfeatures 214 Lindale: 5BDR 3UBTH, pool, wwkshop. R-187 $244,900.
Town a Lake Real Estate. 882-7578 Lindale: Cute 22, 2.75 ac. wwdb. stove. R-192.
$65,000. Town A Lake Real Estats. 882-7576 MOTIVATED OWNERS-Lovefy Whitehoua horn ha updated paint A papers, spacious dsn wWBFP, master bath has hisfier closets, dbl sinks, skyUght, on well tended corner lot. LINDA GRIMES, Choice 81 Realty, 6v4-5955 ML Enterprise: 3BR2BA2, brick, CHA FP. 1 sere 1 BR garage apt $92.900.
(409) 560-9418 N. TYLER'S BEST 9 BR Brick-Hk new hardwood ftoors-FP-new bath, hug kit iv. rm. All remodeled, big lot good addn. With job A no bad credit- mow ki soon- Sm.
cash down-Only appx. $380mo. total. OUR BEST BUY! 1208 N. Confederate.
Ban Fitz Re-altv 510-6820. 849-2705 NEAR U.T.T. New 322 In cul-de-sac wralsed ceilings, ceramic floors, form, kit. wtstand brk. bar A nook.
CHISD. Appx. 1900 sf. Deck, tan. yd 3113 Campus Circle.
New beautiful 2000 sq ft approx. split 3Br, FP, formal DR w14' caning, deluxe trim, custom cabinets, restricted, area. 1 ac wooded lot Between Tyler A Whitehouse. $145.000. 566-1072 New horn construction EZ financing built on your sits.
0 down to qualified buyers. 1 -800-896-8746 NEW, atill under constr. 42H, Form. DinUv, Jacuzzi, 2200 ftq.ft, 1012 Elain Dr. 561-6000.
Mlk NON OUALIF. ASSUMP, INWISO FSBO. $94,000. 372 formal dining, new ceramio, sprinkler. 115 Wendy.
596-3762 days, 839-9054 nitewkend. NOONDAY AREA Three Creek Estates (Great Loc.) By Owner 3 or 4br2ba on 1 ac, 1944sf 2 car garage, new stovetop, count-ertop, roof, paint, etc. Vaulted ceilings, WBFP. Located bet. FHnt A Noonday on FM 2868 ofl 155.
$115,000 make offer. (903) 894-7158 aft. 6P ONLY ONE YEAR OLD, 2 STORY on 13 acre, security system, top of the line cen. AM, and appliances, Jenn-aira, Mwinghobby room, skw entry gang, lovely hardwood floors in tarn rm. with gas FPgas logs.
$109,000, minutes to the mak. C-21 Daughtry, Barbara Medley. 581-7131 Owner finance, 21 wgarage apt. Small down pmt $483. 930 S.
Kennedy. 593-7354. Owner Financed. 21, newly redecorated, new kitchen sink, formica, vinyl, rjarage door opener, 2 window unit, 2711 EtrookhoHow. $34,000.
$3000dn 592-1193 PRICE REDUCED SM.SOO 4 BEDROOMS, 4 BATHS! Covered deck, rear entry garage. Beautiful wooded lot A half with fenced yard. Buyer Warranty. Near TJC with potential to rent room. Merrill Or A Fifth.
01001 WINN REAL ESTATE 581-7855 REDUCED PRICE: WAS 114,750 1408 S. TIPTON. BV OWNER Lrg family horn (3700st). Austin stone. 332, 4th bdrm or office.
Formala, FR. Library TV room with Mahogany walls A bookshelves. Lrg closetscedar closet. 1995-96 upgrade: AC, patio, carpet, parquet, paint, wallpaper. Spklr, fenced.
Close to hospitals TJC. BellMooreLoo. Cat 592-0587 for mors amenflrW ppl, REDUCED TO SELL. Phoenix South Subdivision in Chandler, Reduced to $134,200. 3 34 acres.
Irving room with fireplace, tarn rm. with wet bar, buM In 1989. Like new 3-2-2, waaherdryer to stay, formal dining, Sep. breakfast. C-21 Dsughtry, Barbara Medtoy, Ml -71 31, REKLAW: Bnck home, 3BR2.5BA, double garage, shop, 2166sf, 5 acres.
$96.500. (9031 878-3829. SELL IT TOMORROW Plac Your Ad Today (Monday-Friday 2 Noon) Sail It Tomorrow, There's no need to you can get Next Day Results CALL TODAY Ask for Our Daily Specials 592-381 8 1-800-333-9141 Fax 903-597-4987 STONELIKVM AOOITKMt BV OWNER 5902 Plantation Dr. 3BOR 1 12BA, formal del room, ex Ig. lam.
room wptctw payteang. Appx 2200 sq ft. Ca after pm. 581-1580 Stoneleigh Addition, 42, mini tub, leaded glass windows, 2290 arorstact trwiglee, plenty of stg. Can assume 7 12 VA loan.
Call 597-5576: Ml A trtnga, Ml 2M2 Tangtseiood Area, or 322. a) ppkancee. pnnkler, workshop on slab. REMAX, Ray Debbie. 881-7117M1-19U.
Upoeted Custom. 2256 sf. 1 3 Bora, pool. Off BsdsngAtjtd, WHITIHOUM II you want new houee, ready to mere, 1 bdrm, 2H bath and merry extra, on wooded lot on c-oc sac. oat Ralph Kaky at 838-2436.
TAX Use your refund to BUY YOUR HOME 'NOW! With good credit job you can mov In soon A pay the down payment when your refund come. (1) 1208 N. Confaoarat-3BDR bnck-FP-appx. $380mo. (2) 621 W.
Harmony-3BR, LR, appx $280mo. (3) 1602N. Gaston-3BDfl appx. $325mo. Like new.
(4) 1307W.Quen-2BDR Call Ben Fitz Realty 610-6820 or 849-2706) Townhouee by owner, 1820 aq ft, like new, 32VW2, upgrsdes, possible leas purchase. $85,000. 2118 Villa Dr. 509-1479 WHITEHOUSE on Green Lane Iral, 3BR1K, WBFP, 1792sf. Wilson at Pitt Realty 581-2584 or pg.
591 -0674 Mobil Home For Sal 924 1 14x80 2Br1Ba, $15,000. 1 -14x80 2Br112Ba fixer upper $2500. 877-2795 10-20 ACM TRACTS Lindale, owner financing; 1984 Kaufman Broad, 14x70 mobile home. Redone Inside. Must see.
2BD. 2BA. 592-4071 1984 Manatee 14x56 21, atove, mini-blinds, w10'X18' wood deck. New exterior paint, financing avail. Mutt see to believe for $1 1 ,800.
Call Robert 509-9055 194 BEAUTIFUL 16X80 32 Set up In Lindale Park. Fin. Avail. Call 903-561-2841 1996 American Home Star, 16x70, on acre of land, fenced. 561-8336 call after Som.
1997 SCHULT 16X80 Loaded, Glamour Bath, Upgrade Carpet, Appkcances, Mini Blind, Factory Direct. $19,900 1-88B-HEART-31 16'x60' to be moved 21 Ige bath. Front kitch, vaulted ceilings, new 8'x10' deck, extra nice 894-7978 2Br2Ba 14x76, new carpet, vinyl, must mov. $7000 Or best cash offer accepted. 903-852-2712.
ASSUME my loan please. Beautiful 3br2ba, owner finance. Hurry! Call 903-534-4411 Oood Credftll We wW slash our prio for good credit buyers. You save am -w sav you money! Wilts Point Mobile Home 1-800-465-9764 Coupl had problems. Now your tkn for good fortun 32 mh call 534-4438.
Sa Habla Esoanol Desperet to seW '86 model 32 hVB siding. AC, DW, good cond. I will finance. $13.900. 566-1098 Discounted for quick sale, Lk Palestine Extra clean, 2BD, all electric, appkences, deck, on dbl loL $19.800.
512-873-0080. Da yoa need ftYiaricInt est Tree Fin tidal provkkr Wnanckng. CaH Lcuann, 1-S00-S2T-277S. art. 228.
FOB BALI OB TOTAL ASSUMPTION Located ki Eagte Creek Banch 1996 16X80 3bdrm 2bth, paved-covered carport, vinyl aid-ed, composition roof, storm windows, thermal Insulated, plywood floors, ceiling fsn, central ac-heat, landscaped yard with storage shed to match home, plenty of cabinets, washer-dryer included, master bath with Jacuzzi and stand up shower-walk ki closet, double lavatory, front and back decks. Call 877-2538 Iv message or papers 510 0340 For Sale. Mobile Home. Has To Go. 879-T753 GRAND OPENING SPECIAL Brand New Doublowtde 3 Br 2 Ba Onfy $24,900.
Cat For FraaBrochurea. LIKE NEW! Only sved in 4 mo, -94 American Homester. 16 X50'. Lo-caled si Stwoh Pinea. 551-8134.
Mobs Home For Sale. Has To Go. 879-7753 Must sacrifice tor quick sale 1993 16X80 3BDR 2BA. Loaded wopbona. Perfect cond.
$20,900. Deirrsred. set wsir. 581-4031 MUST SELLA 32 Single wids, very clean, wH pay tor movino. 903-561-2841 Must est, ska new '93 18x80, $20,500.
Delivered wAC, ww ft-nanc. 903-595-4411 Beknda New 4 Bdrm 2 Ba Onfy 8199 OOmo, Awaaome Vakil CaH for Free Brochure 1 SSS HIART 31 wan 10. 360moa. 8.75S APR! ONLY $890O 14x80 3 Bedroom 2 Bath In Excaaont Condition. Detvery end Set-up Included i-aaa-nuun-ii STEAL! 12 Mobs Home, very good hao.
597-H53. Tax Tksss Saks A Brail II $1500.00 discount on aH skv glswido. $2500.00 discount on as ooubtewide. Lots of horns to choose snm. Wis Pont Mobaa lrTrrt8l-Hva-t7(r4, THE BEST SINGLE WIDE VALUES are In Longvum 1 0efcwood Home on Hwy.
31. Only et Long-vww Oekwood. WW you save thousands on Top Ouekty 19S7 MH. Com see why we have been si business lor over 80 yr, 1 800 657-1288 Three bedroom mobse horn set up ki tna oountry $500 obwn IkwmenL Cel 877-2254. To be moved Cnempm mobse homo, JrJr2B.
Aaeum note, $00 down, $275mo. or payoff illJOO. CaS 903-535-7433 Trafter tor aate. must move qusskl 3 bedrooms andSoMw. (903)534-4411.
Call 692-3818 to place an action-getting claaaified ad. 951 70 acre, 30 hickory A oak. Approx 12 an spring tad lak sits. 718' frontage on Willow branch Road-CR 426 near Van A Lindale. 12 Ml.
N. of 1-20. CaH owner 19031 1 342 AC FM 2493 near Hotlytrss, development property $3000 pa. 200 AC Lavender Rd. $850 pa.
128 AC, will divids into 64 8 32 ac, wooded 8 open near Lake Tyler $1750 pa. 10-20 AC Undal, horss lovers dream, spring fad creak, owner financing. 7.9 ac. Gresham, $5500 pa 2-5 ac tracts, Owner financing, Undal A Van ISD, HOMES A PROPERTIES Mlk Johnson, Part White 581-6252 21 scree for sale between VanLindal. $25,000.
903-569-5711. Van ISD, Assums-bleVA loan, balance $19.000. 2 AC WOODED HOMESITES -with deed restrictions all utilities. 4w miles west of Undale on FM 816. $16,000 par tot.
Far kv fo. packet call 882-7766. acre $6000, 1 acre $12,000, no mobile horns, utilitio Whitehouss school, S. of Paluxy Ddf. 903-839-2714 ACREAGE-Truty "Blast From Ths 72 acres wsmall older home.
9602785. 2 ACRES-Fronts 2 streets A Hwy. 31 5 So. M.H. or other.
$1 1 ,500. EDNA BLACKMARR, 849-3534 Ben Frtzoerald Realty. 597-2515 By Owner 1 acre, restricted tot in i WISD, with Southern Utilities. CaH 713-496-5072 afl 6 or Iv map. For Sale 4.9 ac 6.6 mi from Loop 323 on Hwy 31.
Common water avail septic sleet pole, driveway A culvert. $11,500 Call 409-564-3343 Business Prop. For Sale 963 For Sale or Laasa: Brick office building with frontage on SH 64 East. $40,000. Large building In Arp, TX.
Frontage on Hwy 135, easy access to on A off ramps to SH 84 East. $45,000. Financing availabk). BLEV1NS REALTY 566-3671 Lawnrnower Shop. $20,000 Forklrft, $900 110 Wills SL Wills Point.
TX. Spur 384 next to Tire Bam. 3BD home would mak axe. business property. $69,900.
Pat White, 581-5252 HOMES A PROPERTIES Financial 1010 ANXIOUS REAL ESTATE NOTE BUYER willing to pay 100 cents on the dollar. 1-800-879-2324 CASH for owner financed notes. Homerun Real Estate Services (903) 963-8291 call Scott. CBS Investment Company CASH for Real Estate notes. Fast dose! 1-800-367-0083 SLAY CASHES NOTES 1-800-856-9400 Business Opportunities 1020 4 CHAIR BEAUTY SALON FOR SALE IN SOUTHEAST TYLER.
CALL 825-6007. NIGHTS. WARNING INVESTIGATE BEFORE YOU INVEST The Tyler Courier Timee Telegraph does everything possible to keep thee columns free of misleading unscrupulous or fraudulent adver-using. When fiauduksnt sd a discovered i any paper i tfw country we usually team of it ki bms to refus ths sams ad in this paper. However It ie irrrpoeaible to screen aft ads thoroughly as ws would liks to, so we urge our readers to check THOROUGHLY any proposition requiring an investment.
For tree report cat The Better Busl-nesa Bureau St 903-581 -5704. 4300 eq ft, 2 story colonial that would make an excellent bed A breakfast buwnees. great location, eklw less then $200,000. Investors A agents welcome at 3. 534-5155 or 592-3609 40X50 All stsel bktg.
4 overhead doors enclosed 8' CL fence on FM 344 next to Emerald Bay at Lake Paleatina Mann. Used a Boat A Motor Repair shop sine I960. Cat Johnny Poovy 825-3600 Wltm, AIB Ottet Cleonma. One al Mia kattaat paw Byeaissss. Dew to aiksry ssxest sH Muoa Potential S3-H1 ANTKMiB MALL Vendors lease specs from marl owner.
Induoee food service tan-ent Reel estate nrouded, some owner financing, tuny occupied. Et Tsxss Business Brokers, 509-2929. Anntion educator and book lovers! Dorsng kjndersiey, award wwrsng pubkshar of books, videos, and CD Roms he xpanded into direct marketing. Ground floor opportunity with flexebilrty of a home-based busneas. Exc silent salary suppkr- menl Trwrwig provloed.
CaS Larry at (9031 581-771 for mors Intormetjon. Or send postcard ta Larry 4008 Poet Oak Rd. Mat. Tx 75701 CHINESE RESTAURANT, prime location on motor eouth end dor-ought are, good money maker, Owner Financing $194,500. SUCCESS RtALlOWS 609-030 COMVINIINCI BTOBS No arrnTonmenta) probkMns, sl eetaurenl.
Good startar Eaet Tsxaa Businss starkjrsiira, BAST TSXAS BUBINSSS BROftSnB Ueang A 8 Businsuss I90JI5Q9 2929 Esssbkshed Antlqus Shop St prime location. Ownor retiring. Wo) se oheok out, aksrm a) drape, shelving, etc. as rsasong. bte prtoo.
Senoue Msuklee only. 2 (H9Q. tai r.duikk OBIAT OPPONTUNITYI UNMMJl ANO FUN MITAH. WOP Is) Uassolo Area. a KfTrlV lOUti-1 4M Liv in beautiful vecs-tloriretlrernenl oommurvty Own and operele your own ratal gn osry store.
Large ojuwat poteneat oaner sslrsles, OsaS starts astaaa nsasaraa In sjwvan). 27 24'x70' double wide mobile home to be moved. $6000 OBO. (903) 725-5418. SEE ME FIRST.
I PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR HOUSES TO BE MOVED OR WRECKED.903-675-9505. Vacant Lots 939 QUICK PICK Choose from 30 wooded building sites in restricted area. W'house ISP. $7000. 839-3722 HoHytre by owner, garden horn tot, on 9th fairway, must sell.
597-7221 or 509-9411 LARGE wooded lot In Rice, Hubbard, Lee School District Priced to sell. 903-561-2020 or 592-7677. LINDALE, beautiful, large, tree covered, 150X150, residential tot, walk to schools, East Foothill Mdrtion. $12.000. 882-9097.
PBESTONWOOD Build your new horn in Pres-tonwood. Great location off South Broadway. Wooded tot, side-walks, RiceHubbardLee. Ray- mond Johnson. 561-8192.
Two treed lots, ptney woods, $1000 or best offer 972 608-5875 Homes With Acreage 945 321 Brick w3 acres, stocked Ash pond, fenced, CHA, 3 detached gar, walking distance to Lake Holbrook. $63,000. After 5 869-591Q 322 SUPER BUYI 2200 sf, new floor covering, 3 acres. Van schools, Garden Club Lake. Charles McBrido, Broker 845-5400 Mini-farm near Minoola A Lake Holbrook, 31 frame with good horse set up on 13-7 acres, creek A pond.
$87,500. 20.5 acres si Van ISO, good Hwy frontage, 3 ponds, beautiful trees, good grass. $2000 par acre Ruth Adkina Real Estate 903-569-2935 MINI-HORSE FARM Picturesque 3 bedroom, 2 bath brick with vaulted ceilings, ceramic baths, log fireplace, new carpeting A double garage. All on 3.4 gorgeous acres with stock tank, bam, A two fenced pastures. Just listed $99,900.
SUCCESS REALTORS 509-0309 Near Edom. Beautiful home on 32.2 acres, coastal, 4 ponds, som woods, pips corrals, 30x50 metal insulated wkshop has 2 offices A baths. Prtcsd right. Century 21 Tumknson Realty 1-800-723-4121 New home, 3br2ba, 1920sqfl, heated A cooled, attached garage, II electric, Bullard ISD. Beautiful home.
1 yr warranty. $126.000. Call 825-7520. South of Hide-away Lake. Thinking of building? Look at this first! 10 ac free you buy this 2 story colonial custom bit home at onfy $42 per sq ft SBR'a 4VtBa.
Ig county kitchen A breakfast nook, formal dining room, fantastic great room wig FP that can heat the whole house. Oak paneled office A game room A a laundry room that is a delight! Beautiful hard maple cabinets A trim. Owner must sell due to health. Investors A agents welcome at 3. 534-51 55 or 592-3609 Farms And Ranches 948 80 Acre.
Lge- 42X60" shop, hay meadow, spring fad pond. Between Jacksonville A Frankston, TX. GREAT PROPERTY FOR RETIREMENT! $150,000. 9604501. BFRE, Robert or Barbara Owens, satzsaa, Need experienced hens) to help on ranch north of J'viKe.
Refs re-Quired 592-8105 or 586-3933. Acreage 951 2 sc. 3 ac, 4 ac 10 ac, sH owner finance wlow down A low monthly payments. Just past I-20 on HWV 14, CaH 583-5267 4 ecres unrestricted, down, will Unanca, South of Bullard. 568-3425 5 ACRES loaded wrsckory A dogwood trees.
1 mi from Lake Pat- esone on 315. 12X60 Mobile Home In perfect cond. Must son to settle estate. $32,000. 566-9118 or 566-4122.
5 8 ACRES. $17,500. 3 fenced. South of Chandler, TX. 9609602960.
33 ACRES Top Viewt 2 ponds, spring, fenced, owner finance. Owens. Hubbard, La 9802599. Robert or Barbara Ow-rta. 530-7536.
Ban FrU rTealtv 28 acres, Gresham eras, Tyler schools, running creek, pasture, big trees, black top road, bueding restrictions. Call S94-8388 AM 534-0612. 0 Oreat Acree Close ki, only 4 mile outside Loop 323. Long highway frontage with board and cable fencing. A great plac lor Country Exists with horse or cattle.
Ex. ownw fi-nenang. 71 Acres Bartiejai Great buy on that small, umqu piece. Located on good county rood, scan wed timber, creek. 8 mass from Overton, IS mUes from Tyter.
Priced leducedt SS Aoroo on Wtros River piece almost 12 ma frontage on ftabme raver. 3 irate tram Big Sandy on Hwy. 155. Akw race ksko. Spring wa soon be here- tun plac lor the farrwyl Cessstrf Acres Tract 4 mass north of Winona on Hwy.
158, long highway frontage Excekenl bikkkng site Lara Tracts 298 and 23. workabl cattle piecee. Exo. owner financing. Also other dssirsble tracts of lend.
Let us help you find that -ngM ploc- or est Lone Star Realty Robert Jerrtlgan 868-5454 154 8. 8 tnxes tram Loop, over 4 acre 179, 900 or $17,600 par sere. Moke offer. Owner anxious. Wilson at Pen Realty Mt-2584 or do.
591 -OS 74 thrf I CWyH JVl' BV Owner 3br2ba, many eitrae, wall kept on earner lot, BellMoore Lee Schools. Priced the SO1. Call after torn wknds. SfJXOIS BY OWNER: 3IVl, 3812 JAN. TYLER, TEXAS.
CALL 534-9154 BV OWNERi Vary different South Tyler, 701 Wellington, 2 story, 20' cathedral ceiling, suspended bridge overlooks LR, pool, satellite, Jenn-AIre grill, FP. 3 or 4 BR, extra tot included. Must seal $120.000. Noo. 903-984-1077 BY OWNER; Nice 322 home on 12 acre.
Living flm, den, FP. 1867 sq ft. Fenced yard, Whitehouse schools, Tyler access. $73,000. 581-1929.
Chapel HW, Horseshoe CL 322 brick on 1 ac. on water, many extras. Asking $103.500. SfiH-ixwn CHAPEL HILL, large contemporary with 2 living areas on 2 acres, extra nice. $92,000.
CLARKSTONM0ORELEE Schools, sprinkler system, fenced yard, covered patio, hot tub, 2 Hying areas are just soma reasons to enjoy this lovely 3br2ba home. $87,000. BLEV1NS REALTY 566-3671 COUNTRY LIVING 21.51 Brick home arts on 7 fenced A secluded acres wspring fsd pond, stge. bam, corral, numerous fruit trees. Offend at $55,9001 LARRY BEARDEN, Choice 11 Realty, 534-4955.
R-0106 Cut 1 owner home in desirable UTT area on Ig wooded lot 32, WBFP wheatolator, new carpet, flooring, wallpaper, paint inside A out M'wave, OW, disposal, garage door opener. 3808 Pine Manor. Can W9-2877. Discover affordable luxury at Eagle Creak Ranch. Our homes are ready to move Into wdecks, storage, covered parking, utilities 8 landscaping.
$500 dn. 877-2212. OuteVSafe Area 1016 Elaine Dr. 322, WBFP, 1715 sf, custom butt, lots of extras, 3 years old, corner lot, immediately $119,000. 509-1828 DON'T MISS (T! Newly remodeled 32 horn: Hardwood floors, designer wallpapars, nw fence, professionally landscaped.
Rice HubbardLee schools. $120,000. 712 Meadowcreek. 509-2341 EOOMS A 4br3ba, 2 story, porches, office, WBFP, 2HAC, 1 acre, 3400eqfl. Under $220,000.
Call owner. 903-852-8774. FAX YOUR CLASSIFIED AD TO US 903-597-4987 24 HOURS A DAY Include The Following Into FuH name for billing Person to contact for verification if business ad Address for billing Start date and claasmcation Prion number where may reach you weekdays, 6 am. to 5 pjn. ALL ADS SENT VIA FAX will bs verified with you poor to publication.
FAX ads are subject to credit approval A normal deadline. This Newspaper reserves the right to edit, property classify or decline any ad. For Personal Assistance CALL 592-381 8 THE TYLER MORNING TELEGRAPH CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT FTsmVOresnam yrM custom brick, 11. i2. STTS asj ft, formal mr A awh, alt whrte kKemm, soreea perch a Back, 2.1 a wrstecked pond.
Detached 1000 aa II erftc shop heated and AC. FOB BALI BY OWNER, SMMltS SOOpitmMx FOR SALE BY OWNER: Located Green Acres on quiet street. 1754 sq. ft, 3BOR 2BA, LIVDR. $73 950.592-1423.
FOB SALS: 1st HOME BUYER Perfect, am home. Al ramod-eld-nw carpet, new kitchen-2 Ige. BORs, kv. room. Only $19,950, good credit A a kab-mov in soon.
Buy now, A when you get your Income tax refund PAY VERY LITTLE CASH. 1307 W. Queen. Ben Fitz Realty. FOB SALE: 3BDR 1602 N.
Gaston Uk new) new carpet, new vinyl-new fonrsca. new psmt. no bad credit you can Buy now A pay VERY LITTLE CASH WHEN YOU GET YOUR INCOME TAX REFUND. Ben Fill Reany, 810-8820 or 849 2705 Go course Hotytre Place garden horns, 31471. bum In 'S3.
132. HW firs, fas, ouetom trim. marble FP. high oerkngs, beautiful vtew wmot tub Reduced to HAWKINS: 3BH2BA, kg. FR ml veuned ostkng, CF.
CHA. WBFP. d'waaher, stove, WD new carpet throughout, new tool, dbl gar. wopr, cos. patio, priv, ranca.
$65J30. 19031 769 3208. HOME SWEET HOME ADVERTISE YOUR HOME IN COLOR FOR ONLY $43 OR LESS IN SUNDAY'S CLASSIFIED SECTION Home Sweet Horns Is 'till Sat artusilieeig homes tor ewe by attora. Agents Or kvXtdils. lak photo for you at no ad- PLEA SI CALL B92-M19 er 1-800-333-9141 FOR INFORMATION MOW -BOUT A NEW ftOMC ON ACREAGE, only I mo old, on sporos, ac, tabulsu hkjh oee-mga, gxtroeou moMtnga, spat swdroortsv formal aMng, etumno) kssded owe front abor, Ms A airy kitbra sklool enrh bey window.
rxM. Berbers Medtrs kwsss Souai Loop yeast at Bmed-wey at UNO Ckn wnslr Lovety 4 OH hnms on Ig comer kit 4V3. TO0 eg Al Amarenes. Ml FOR YOU-Oulet location. Mo home w2.201 IF.
Formate, own no WBFP, sunroom. new DW, ew. oarpotkva, on aanoet eo. LfNOA OHimtt, Chowe 1 BoottxAM 38JLflioj LAki Pelestm. IBfVJBlri, inoof.
WaVP, earn kx as eona. Pint fWty Mt-ttae LMOokK 31 wFP. spkt BORs. form.
dto. ttre ItM.ono. town LneiEKla.eflJ LMafcK KUVVftA. WWP. tiiiiinN.
ba. bar 175 $103.1101) Town A Lak Fksot I stele H-riS WATERFRONT LOTS FOR SALE at East Shore Estates between Arp Troup. Owner financing. No mobile homes. For more fnfo call (903)592-6576.
Mouse For Sal 921 1 BR toft on 2 wooded lots near KS. See. hot tub, $40,500. 566-2090 or 566-1406 3 COUNTRY HOMES ON Acreage, prices range from $120's to mid $140't, Bullard, South Tyler and Whitehouse, 3-4 bedims, 2-2V baths, double to 4 car garages, ponds, barns, spacious homes, with terrific kitchens and lovely tarn C-21 Daughtry, Barbara Medley, call me for locations, 581-7131, 5 yo country hm on 31.2ac, W-2400sf, 2.5BA3 or 4BR, brick, dormers, 11 CF, FP, FD, bonus rm, low low taxes, 2 ponds, 25 min from Tyler or Longview. S137.500K OBO.
(903) 657-5345. 21 HARMONY STREET 3BR, Nice kit. 8 bath. All painted 8 like new. Carpet.
If you have no BAD credit )ob, you can move in soon. Appx. S280mo. Ben Fitz Realty 849-2705 or 510-6820 11 Bath, By Owner 322, great location, vaulted ceilings, kj master, Ig bath, WBFP, fenced $109.600 566-7780. 1306 S.
WALL, AZALEA TRAIL Brick Home, 32, Formal DR, Hardwood floors, 1891 sq ft. $78.650. Adp'18 only. 531-2244 Azalea District Spacious 1932 Tudor Style home renovated in 1996. On brick streets across from Bergfeld Park.
Enjoy this lovely vintage home with it's updating of new carpets, flooring, electrical system, air conditioning and heating, and re-finished hardwood floors. Formal LR and DR, butlers pantry, breakfast room, kitchen with new appliances, 5 bedrooms3 baths, sun-room with deck. Garage apartment. 3244 Square Foot. Selling price $215,000 (By Owner).
Call 596-951 2 lor apol. 3925 Jan, For Saks By Owner, WoodsHub bardLee. 3 BR, 2 fvg areas, WB stove, many new updates, deck, nice n'hood. $73,500 581-6733 $35,900, you'll love this spacious 3 bedroom, 2 bath home wtormat living 8 dining rooms, central heat AC. Low down payment.
SUCCESS REALTORS 509-0309 $42,500 TO $48,500 SOUTH TYLER. 2BR Townhomes, just off S. Broadway, turn at Caces Rsstaurant, 1 blk to Gatewood furnished model, open daily. Call 561-5900, or 561 -8192 ownerbroker. $49,500 Near schools, hospitals, a shops! 311 bnck horns.
Kitchen has updated cabinets, counters, flooring, appliancea. Parquet flooring, fenced yard, hot tub. Call Angle today! 581 0069. ARA. $49,950.
We've just listed this charming 3 bedroom, 1 12 bath brick on a cut-de-sac with big back yard. Natural wood kitchen with range, attached garage. E-Z FHA or VA terms. SUCCESS REALTORS 509-0309 52,900 1419 Austin, 3Br1VBa. freshly painted, garage, call Raymond Johnson ownerbroker 561-8192 or 561-5900 $69,900 UNBELIEVABLE PRICE for 3-2-2, aH brick, 100X160 lot, freshly painted tarn rm, walls and ceilings, beautiful gas firsplacs, u-shaped kitchen, small pnvate office or study.
C-21 Daughtry, Barbara Medley. 581 -71 31. 10-22-38 acre tracts located 5 mi. W. of Loop 323 at Hwy.
2661. Cash or Terms. Csll Mark 1-903-769-3651. 3-2-2 Ranch style home on 5 acres with large shop bkjg. on Hwy.
64. Priced to sell at $82,500. Van ISO. 32 mobils on 19.06. mostly wooded acme, just E.
of Edom. Van ISO. Only $54,000. 422 brick on large lot. Owner-Agent has done a beautiful job with the Interior decorating.
Her flower beds were designed for limited maintenance. Located at 606 Pennsylvania Van. 43.8 andor 65.77 acres. Good sandy loam soil, beautiful budding srtea with large pecan trees. Two good lake sites.
Located between Edgewood and Canton. 115 acres N. of Hawkins. Rd trig on FM 2659 8 CR. Timber has been cut.
145.71 wooded acres located at Hwy. 80 and 19. Hwy 80 divides In 2 tracts. This properly has some good hardwood timber. 317 wooded acres located between Grand Sakne and Canton.
Some owner financing, PARKER REAL ESTATE (903) 962-3998 2200sf A nOOsf bnck, both new, CHAA on lit ac, produces kwomo 2BR1 Bath ooutd be 3rd BR, 1222 sf. PetM Dr. $67,900. Woeon at Ptrtte Realty 881-2584 or pg, 591-0674 311 bnok near Green Acres. 2423 Rodga.
1260.f. Meal 1st iVii or BTW8RatTTswit opportunity, A bamam al $54.900. 509 4509 322, 1740 aq ft. MUST SELL ASAP. New Furnace, 0W, Fresh Pa and many other up grades.
Must see. $63,900. 2224 Hunter St. 592-7626 322, WBFP, DA, kj den, 18.22 shop, fenced back 1 from 3SOR 2BA, 2 oar grge. FP.
Ige. den, privacy kmc, oov'd paoo, hot tub. Obi ear carport wotge, bido- Many sxtias. 903 694678 3br1b. approx 1250aqfl.
CHAA, Tyler ISO, stov A retng, good Must aeet HUO aooepted. $36,000. 538 8 Fenton. awn 6pm, 697-5575 or -593-5634. 3arV2bA.
tka new horn on 17 1 ac. Chepal Hal schooM. Cai Sue ia-330; or OaugMry and BaH tor But, Ml mi, Wa2Bm, tillet. WBFP, oar, Ouakty m.tao. wtiea Tl STl, appro tSOOsqn.
sprinkler erstem, WoarJeHubbardL. liLtWaTKarrtLSCl 1 AcadH Pteo Sue South Tyter otter new 37 horns from Sw so- Ml aiM: 581-1201; 1.44?; 530-ao1: 530 8071.839 7939.5204258 Ca hw aasrL I2t-a91 ATHtMA: AC. A bdrm horn watt arfto A SO AO 14 wk hap evwsure garsga, M.soo. xv 21. TurrO.
won. KJO 723 4121 BRING ALL OFFIRS-OWNIR SAYS SCLU t1 moMs on ahady kst, CMA, IS 20 shop, oavered petto Aaklna BtU. LANDRUM, ChoW 81 Realty, 834 taaa 07a. Busvters horns lor ealei SouNl Tywr 221 t. he.
4 bdrm. spat kve-n area. 1 ka ha. Jaoutjt, ssrt penal dsn. kjt tOOataO.
kee J18L(MVtwnaf I1M BV OafMIB FBAMKSTON JBrrjvHia. ttMO area, eon wFP, OR, kitchen A kreekteal nvk, ufislsss gameroorn, kj comer tot, fenced beck yard I424 hop, St 32.000. tkU 7-M1 or OWNAM JtWIhe. WWarla. (tl.sOO, lSMIIU Horn, it Realty 8 awftA4.
BaWas BJSaT VBBBBBBBBkrBe Yesterday's Solution 11. Inactive 12. Location 17. Macaw 20. Bar legally 22.
Agreeable 24. Charged particle Father, Dissolution Hen Profess Impost 25. 27. 28. 29.
30. 31. Type of window 32. Salad plants 33. Intelligence 34.
Equipment 35. Star facet 38. Uncivilized 39. Large amount 42. Moving truck 44.
Land measure Office Rental 875 RETAIL SPACES OFFICE WAREHOUSE 1100 2800 SF. Good location Hwy. 110 across from Trane. 581-7031 BIECK RD.OLD BULLARO 250 to 600 sf. UtilJanrtor pd.
$175 a UP. 595-0706 SHOWROOM OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE 1140 SF. Hwy. 110 South-Across from Trane. Ph.
581-7031 SOUTHSIDt BUILMNOS 1324 BECKHAM Singles, doubles, triples Utilities janitor pd. Plenty on site parking. Call 593-7773 W. STH BROADWAY 3348 sf, upstairs offices with beautiful panelm anal Mm, winding torazio staircase, walk -In fire rate vault, private ntranceparkmg, negotiable laaaa. 592-4311 MANZIEL INTEBESTS Wanted to Rent or Las 880 Middle age man looking for duplex or apt after March 1 5.
S. Tyler area. Must be quiet 8 clean. Exc. refs.
Aft 5pm 534-4981. Building For Rent 883 1400 sq ft retail space in Lindale next to VIP cleaners. $500mo. Ca Mania 882-5752 or after 4pm, 882-9116 3,000 sq ft warehouse woffice for lease. 522J328 4.7SO soft luHdtne for Laaaa SIS Rica Bead) Tyter, TX 78703 (03) SS140SO 13 -Offices 1 Nice Executive Style Entry Fleceptioniat Area 1 Large Conference Room 1 mile from the Mall.
1500s! metal shop building wofhee on Ok) Jacksonville Hwy. north of Gresham. $500 month. ID) 561-1400 or 839-8615. 40X50 All steal bktg, 4 overhead doors enclosed ki 6 CL fence on FM 344 next to Emerald Bay at Lake Palestine Marina.
Used as Boat 4 Motor Rapes shop smce I960. Call Johnny Peavy 825-3600 H75mo. COMMERCIAL WAREHOUSE. 3 units of 10.000 open span. Dock high loadino-RR track frontage.
12X10 O'Head doors. MarcHems Reany 561-2200. kiii iiikit 900 la Subfset to the Federal Fair Housing Act of IMS which makss II Utooof to edvsrttes "Any Pretsrence, Lknitatlona, Of DIscrlrMnatWn, Ssssd on Race, Color, Religion, Sex. HandlcaB, Family Statue or OrtQtfie it tntwt-Nofi to tsMttM WIN AOl stlaOWtHQly WCOtfH tttf B)dV8)ft)CtAQ tot RmI EartsMs) VM0ll tS iH VtOMrtaOA of the km I Building For Sal 903 Cornntfdtt bustdbriQ In frrwton. New steal buikkng.
30x80, earner location. High trarho, Hwy 114. 3030 office w30x50 werehouee. $48.000. Ask for Butch MULTI-purpose btdg Hwy 110, VrvAonouee, next to 24fv oonven-ienoo store, $56,000.
Nancy Lym Fteany 595-1025 Waaort Properties 80S $48,000. S-l Iga. oerport, stga. lota, rsoa trees, dose to Lake Psnsllin. taaptau Bf RC, Robert or Barbara Owens, 5Ja.iiJfl By Owner, 1 W2300 at.
home, ouetom buM of quality metenels. 32 Untquety designed spaoioua amomt, ksaiol wlarge Fionda Rnx, oeokletacn. gar A shop W11 bath. Seounty. pffXJCEQ to $147.000: 581 641 For Sara-, Log Catxn oomptotety urraahad, 1 yrokl May move or leave at Lake Fork at Resort tOtta-OH, BS.
irtsef Tlmeehara, RerAVeek26 ndte scape. RCt. $3300 OBO 713.779-4448.713 818 3340 Vacation Tlmeehara, 2br eondc at S-Star Resort Orlando. FL. a etude Mernanonal exchange program A 1 a wka.
At tern 4 tea petd tna yr. Vetua $14,000. seonrtoe tor $9,000 5-ft7. Lak Nous lets 4 lota In tunrie Snare. I septic tanka A power pole.
Partway tratrllomUMi DOCTOR'S Dnv fxleO lot. doe to SfS.OOO wB osnairjer otter, wueon at Pima RsHy Ml 214 a Q84 IMtHALO Bey Lak PalsslkK. sated Hm, aoB eoura noma, ilVt ept, greet ream. keouMM ttuo Welehwa Let. La Tykse, M4-MU Reps Wooded doubt lot.
Lake Pinea, $310 eown, ssk over tot per me, Rv Uofcda horn ok. 1 anoaoirM Par time 24 minutes Houses Unfurnished 839 CPM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, INC. Old tngllsh Villas 3500 South Broadway Tylor, TX 76701472 5954000 CPM-045, COUNTRY LIVING NEAR LAKE TYLER. 32 house, fenced yard, all appliances. CHAA, storage room, oarage, alarm system.
S750S500. 1 year least. CPM-077, near hospitals, S295S200; also 21 carpet, WD water pd. S375S250. CPM-276.
AZALEA DIST. SPACIOUS 32Vi, Stove, DW, den. formal LRDR, hardwood floors, WBFP, fenced, garage. S1095S75O. CPM-164, COUNTRY FRAME in Gresham, sm.
31 carpet, stove, WD fenced. S395S300. CPM-138. 21, NEAR MOORE MIDDLE SCHOOL, no heatair or appliances, carpet, WD CPM-206, 21 home off Front, carpet. Ig.
yard, S395S250. 32 COUNTRY BRICK wlake view, BuHard ISO, fenced, utility room, 2 car garage. S775S1000. CPM-043, OFF 155 SOUTH, brie duplex, 21, stove, DW, carpet, WO Avail 216, $4251300. CPM-004, NEAR LOOP 323 a HWY 155.
large duplex, 21 H. WBFP, den, stove, DW, WD fenced. CPM 219. AZALEA DIST. Gar-ageApt.
available 217, 11, stove carpet, WU. $2955200 CPM-207, OFF E. FRONT, Ig. garage stove, WU, 11, carport, S29VS200 CPM-22S, TYLER, 22 nice. stove.
DW, m'wsve, aval 222. upstairs. K96S300 CPM-247, BEHIND KELLY CREDIT UNION, 21 duplai, stove, WO fenced, S425S250 CPM-110 CHAPEL HILL SCHOOLS. 21 home, hardwood floors, WO fenced, 1 car garage. S37VS250 CUTE 32 home on Copeiand WU, floor furnace, stove, HW floors, 31, WD carport, $575400 CPM-019, OFF NW LOOP.
31 stove. DW. garage, fenced van 31 155OH00. CPM-221, WOODS, HUBBARD, LEE SCHOOLS, hock home. 32.
stove, DW. Sen. sm. office area, carport, fenced. Avail 33.
$7755O0 CPM-0865. BEAUTIFUL 322 in WHITEHOUSE, WBFP stove, DW. fenced $B95S600. LOVEL SPACIOUS HOME IN S. TYLER, 322, CHaA, stove, OW.
m'weve, WBFP, am of- nee. storage sprmk 91. 11,1954750. CPM -064 5. Near State Park.
Winona ISO. 31 bnck yoms. stove WU, WBFP, utility room, stg. bktg part fenced. 2 car cw port.
EQUAL HOUSINQ OPPORTUNITY New 3Br2Ba bnck house, acmes from Browneboro School. Construction to be eompieted March 1st. 1650 mo. $350 dep 903 852 3543 sure lee tea, sea keek yd, STOOraioioa. CaS Dtoa m-e791JI-rjMs, RENTAL PROPERTIES A MANAGEMENT 593-2211 AptHous Duplexes I ken WoodaroVBroker Whitehouse For Leees 32.
No" Pets. $675Ano. Refs Raqu. Whrlehouee ISO S22, yard. WBFP, aSOOVdsp.
APLfit WAL Afl Hl XUi WHITIHOUU ISO, Sraft swk-eee, STaOaea, ep nseraV tt rtL 17411- ltt WHIIEHOU8C Scrxxus 4 Borma, OfAoe, Oama Rm, IH Ba, oaraoa. ll.OWVmo tee dep. Avas, im- ITMliMJUUm Why rent when you Dan OWN lyters 91001 manufactured home oommunMy wtlh otubhouae. pome, pMyorounde 8 fknees mom? $500 77W12 Moblkt Horn Fer Rent 840 280, 2BA, $400 month. Al bate ISO, LarjlrssikaLliJ J64JL.
Furrsafted. raos 2bO In as, perk. no petal OJ-MI-iasa, Mobil Homes For Rent 840 MOBILE HOMES FOB LEASE PINECREST, FLINT CALL 894-6073. Sm Ibr MH, alt ideal for singlecouple, Hwy 31 No pets, cash only. $250 $100 592-5266 Mobil Horn Parks 850 CAMPER or H.
Spaces avaiL Chapel Ha School Diet, near LIT on Spur 248, Landmark Rentals, Call 566-8738 art 4. FREE HOOK-UPS. MH Park Space. Good ioc. $120mo.
Also RV Hook-ups. mm from hospital. 14 mile to Loop 323, 4 miles from MOBILE HOMES FOB LEASE PINECREST, FLINT. CALL 894-6073. Newly i mob CALL FOB MOVING SPECIALS Business Prop.
For Rent 870 New warehouse wIOOOsf Including sm office on FM 2493 in Gresham. S375mo. Watersewer 561-3200 davs. 581-3876 eve Auto shop or sales, Hwy 155 South near Dome. 7 bays, kj office, 3600 sf.
534-4990. 825-2321. 707 Houston, ofcrerrtal or sale, 1700sf, ample prkng, wheelchair access. SAP Properties 592-7367 1425 S. VINE small office space $350.
1421 S. Vine beauty shop S300.G.P.M. 581-0016 1 725 S. BECKHAM: Retail or office, 960sq. ft.
for lease. Plenty of parkino. Call 593-7773. 9700 FT BOW RETAIL 3600 FT BOW WAREHOUSE 2200 FT BROADWAY-RETAIL 12,000 FT BROADWAY RETAIL 960 FT ERWIN RETAIL 1200 FT ERWIN RETAIL 4000 FT GRANDE OFFICES 5390 FT LOOP RETAIL 2900 FT LOOP-RETAIL FOR INTO PLEASE CALL 903-581-3911 OR CALL YOUR BROKER 10001 budding, 1518 W. Gentry Pkwy, sxc.
veubsrty, high traffic, comer lot 597-0621. 12a-5n only. 1333-D S. Beckham, bktg beside Big Lots. 1027 sqft, retailoffice for lease.
Plenty of parking. Call 593-7773. 1980sf, recep room, offices, whouss, S685mo ON Hwy 155, 1 Of Loon. 561-8298. 581-5221.
40X50 All Meal bktg. 4 overhead door enclosed in 6' CL fence on FM 344 next to Emerald Bay at Lake Palestine Manna. Used as Boat Motor Repair shop since 1960. Call Johnny Peavy 825-3600 Wilma. ACROSS FBOM PELTIEB 12aO 1 Wtiaaaa mOH ew am altlsa SJTsma.
Wot, garaaao pa. tSOO a) 11 eft eft wrHA, 11 ems, two tet-aioo. soa-jMj BABOAInVtsass Sata WareheneeAfrleee MOO S.I. AC, Sprinkler. Bow StTBioeoway.
Brohtfl WtriCfrn. John FOR LEASE: approx 30,000 soft warehouaa, 800 block 8. Eastman Rd, Lengvww. JOOOeqft AC orho inwde, sprinklers. 6 dock high 10X18 doors, 2 dnve-m doors, alarm system.
Cent Biedunen Assoc, 903-767-3390. Laaaa based on lananL uaa. A term. LEASE-2400 So, Feat ShoprWhaa-f Offioa Front on Hwy 155 So. Comer CR.
159 1.9 MMeatrom Loop 509-1363 826 6820 SSW lawp 111 2250 SO, ft warehouaa, 10H door, M7ama.Mi k. Wneaoffioe space 1250 at. 1 mu 5oui of Loop 323. bam Ofl 1 55. water, garbage paid.
WHITEHOUSE- 600 Hwy 110 00 S.I., across from Brook shims, 1250 month can 8O9-0063. Office Rental 878 4 Stocks of Bergtetd. (12 I Eighai. 240 at, kM i bath. Ave.
VI IflWmn I fll Hit llflt 1200 sq omoa space. mast south of Loop on Pakoy, 1300 utikues.5nSlW7 Finest kxanon sue Plenty of buM-na, alarm, al but pa, plenty at pertung. favs Ml. nr Jwr, ofkos epsee evaseble (J of. fuss: 10 10 aaoh) esohanga or rental earvtos at a esi storage South Tyter.
M1-O5S0, flax.M173.rla. LOCA! lON-LOCA I KWi-LOCAt ION executive suae I office spaoe un P-d l-c rm Otd sjm ty, Can torn, Near hoapUls. irm so ft. LBejOacXl tm OFFICi tuktmg tor sale or r.4. to Pokny aquar area, tamed.
1 MeNent kMation, aVbUlO Of ML 2J OFFICS FOB LIAS! 1200ef. oontoms 1 omoss, reoeptiun area, oonteiwius are an; flam OFHC8 FOR LiASt: M0 sq. ft new osrpet. unities paid, seouray system. South Bmertwey bcelKin, CaS fiai touQ, Mobile Homos Mobile Homes Mobil Homes Fer tele 934 Fer tele 924 For tale 924 LETS MAKE Olfl HOM, 0 Bcfia Tow Rev Tew Bj 0penln Door To Toot Brand "ew Homel SAVE THOUSANDS on Qutlltj Built Hornet! Super Amenltlrs Good Country Living 24-hr tele-entry Rate On-site management Winona Schools Immediate occupancy FurnlRhed models 2.3, A 4 bedrooms Vliiyl siding comp roofs decks storage bldfts.
mnrrrls rtrliwa Xv urnlka yard lamp aa.1J.rl La I la and oeprlel to heep start so) new store. Send rsouma to Fa 1 1 Bos S7S, Bkj Sandy, TX 76788 or sssina7B.41S2, MONTOAOS Ba BOOkMNOI Front stooo per Loen wen Your Own Morlgeoe CoAVK Train 1 PTFT orsy 8240 mneoliiwm I Ptteakxe) A OfTtog) Si)sf By OvseMse Locetod ti smsi but progress! ukj Eat Texee man Mreet city, with wrong etebie conomy. Total annua! selee S430K. SeBng prtoe tXXM. Current owner toyrs, ww Sam, wa knenoe with (bok down Sand iriqukiss let Pnnting 4 OtTteo Supply, 6208 Maple Spring, Daks, IX 7523J BICllVI BOLO ktONTHLT raU9) rttjat CotfWnttMtOf Ca 1XU M4 1134 wiuua 1 99 nun uian i.
mm i sow to BAk om boms rOCB HOliX' 1 -T 1 7 a BV 1 AT 1 1 jivi nwi j.4 OKlJLTV 75708 1 1 1'.