The Lexington Herald from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)

FEBRUARY 10, 1928 THE LEXINGTON HERALD PAGE 3 INVALIDS "HUSKY" AT LAST, GET WELL; TRAINED NURSE HAILS AS MIRACLE OF MODERN MEDICINE; DREAM OF AGES HAS COME TRUE WHO KNOWS MORE THAN A NURSE ABOUT VALUE OF MEDICINES? THE VERDICT OF LEXINGTONIANS Constipation Relieved Years Spent in Chicago Hospitals, Helping Suffering Humanity Have Given This Woman Real Knowledge of What Mankind Most Needs. Don't Miss Mrs. Harbottle's Valuable Advice. An Opportunity For Better Health Is Now Here; Nature's Greatest Helpmate May Be Obtained at Any Good Drug Store at a Price Within Reach of "Husky is nature's greatest remedy and: I recommend it heartily," writes Mrs. L.

V. Harbottle, 10 Second Binghampton, N. who has probably had as much experience in caring for the sick as any woman in this country. For 40 years she was a nurse in the leading hospitals of Chicago. This experience gave her a real knowledge of what medicines benefit mankind most.

Now this well known nurse has used Husky and she recommends it from personal experience. Mrs. Harbottle continues. "I nave used Husky with the most gratifying results and know it to be a great medicine. I have been using it recently for a general rundown state of health.

I had gotton extremely nervous and suffered from fluttering and pains about my heart. "I was constipated, slept poorly and suffered from my kidneys which acted too freely. My eating was erratic. Since using Husky my nerves are much better. This medicine has helped that fluttering: and painful feeling around my heart.

My kidneys are better and Husky has helped them. I am not constipated and sleep more soundly. "I am eating better and normally now. Yes, Husky is Nature's own remedy and the effect on the system in general is splendid." Let your own experience be the same as Mrs. Harbottle's.

Don't suffer a day longer than is neces. sary. Go today and obtain Husky at your neighborhood drug store. Tomorrow you will feel better. Mr.

D. F. Wilkirson, well known resident of 255 East Maxwell street, and an extensive land owner in Fayette county, has the following 10 say in regard to Husky: "For two years I suffered much from constipation and was in a general run down condition of health. I spent hundreds of dollars seeking relief but withont results. I tried Husky and this medicine has relieved the constipation and built up my health in fine a way.

I am feeling better and stronger in every way." Stomach Trouble Gone Mr. Berry Clark, well known farmer and dairyman, of the Tates Creek pike, says: "My food was disagreeing with me 'and I was troubled with gas forming on niy stomach after meals. Stomach trouble had caused me suffering two years. My health was becoming affected in general. I decided to try Husky and I am glad to say that this medicine relieved my indigestion, gas and stomach trouble.

I am continuing with Husky and it is giving me improved health and strength." Digestion Improves Mrs. M. L. Sheets, of 411 Jefferson avenue, tells of her experience with Husky as follows "Indigestion troubled me for some time. Food disagreed with me and gas formed on my stomach.

I was extremely nervous and weak and run down. Through the use of Husky my indigestion has been relieved, my nerves strengthened and my health built up in general. I am enjoying my food now and resting better and I am glad to endorse Husky from my own experience." Helped in Every Way "Stomach trouble and indigestion afflicted me for three years," says Mr. Leslie R. Green, well known real estate man of Carlisle.

"I had to be very careful about my diet as all food seemed to disagree. I was losing in health and weight. Husky has relieved my stomach trouble and indigestion and I now enjoy my food. I gained five pounds after taking Husky only a short time and this medicine is helping my health in every way. I am glad to tell others that Husky will give this If You Don't Feel Well Go to Your Neighborhood Drug Store and Ask for a Bottle of "HUSKY" Recommended and Sold by Well Stocked Drug Stores Everywhere BOURBONMANIS KILLED IN WRECK Goebel Marshall Is Victim of Auto Accident Near Barbourville; Robert Mains Injured WAS WORLD WAR VETERAN to The PARIS, Feb.

Marshall, who has been employed at the store of C. D. Thompson, in this city, for several years, was almost instantly killed in an automobile accident near Barbourville, about 7 a o'clock last night. Marshaii, in company with Hollis Dalzell, of Paris, left Wednesday shortly after noon Barbourviile, where, it is said, they went to see Robert Mains, formerly of Paris, about securing employment in that city. Dalzell escaped injury in 1.

the accident, but Mains suffered minor injuries. Goebel Marshall, who lives with his brother, Robert Marshall, was a veteran of the World War, and while in service overseas was gassed. He was about 35 years old. The body was prepared for burial at Barboursville, and will be forwarded to Carlisle, his former home. The funeral services and burial will take place at Mt.

Pleasant, in Har. rison county, Saturday afternoon. Try the drink "a late one" ALE81. -Adv. Mrs.

Martha Clay one of Bourbon county's best known and most respected women, died at the family residence here last night at a late hour following a brief illness of pneumonia. Mrs. Nelson, who was the wife of Capt. F. E.

Nelson, was one of Bourbon's wealthiest women, and for years the family lived near Austerlitz, in this county. A few years ago Captain and Mrs. Nelson disposed of their large farm to Woodford Spears and moved to Paris. Mrs. Nelson was a native of this county and was 86 years She was a daughter of the late and olden Nancy Blanton Clay.

Mrs. Nelson had no children but is survived by a niece, Mrs. S. E. Bedford, and four nephews, Talbott Clay, of Lexington, Harry B.

Clay, Henry Gaitskill and Clay Gaitskill, of this county. Mrs. Nelson was a' relative of Matt M. Clay, of Lexington. The funeral services will take place at the grave in the Paris cemetery, Friday morning at 11 o'clock, conducted by the Rev.

Thomas L. Settle, of Lexington. The pallbearerg will be J. M. Williams, Clay Gaitskill, Harry B.

Clay, Talbott Clay, Henry Gaitskill, and Allen Reed. Fifty sheep, just ready to lamb, will be sold Friday at Bourbon County -Adv. James McClure, chairman of the Bourbon county drive, who has undertaken to raise $7,500 as Bourbon's quota towards the purchase of Mammoth Cave and the hundreds of acres surrounding, which is to become a national park, has announced the following organization to assist Chairman for Paris, N. Ford Brent; special gifts committee, Catesby Spears and Arthur B. Hanco*ck; prospect committee, Pearce Paton and.

Will Clintock; publicity committee, Carl Johnson and G. C. Thompson; organization committee, Mrs. Bessie Woodford Clay, E. H.

and W. O. Hinton; county treasurer, Colliver C. Dawes; chairman speakers' committee, Lee Kirkpatrick; committee for North Middletown, Charles C. Clarke, John W.

Jones, W. A. Thomason; committee for Millersburg, William D. McIntyre, John F. McDaniel.

Other members of the committee in the other precincts of the county are to be selected this week and, in addition to the above named workers, the Rotary Club, the Woman's Club, and the Bourbon Business Club will each name ten solicitors. The precinct chairmen will each name five solicitors. WINCHESTER NEWS For service, call Mrs. Riffe Hodgkin, Lexington Herald Bureau, 25 Lexington avenue. WINCHESTER.

Feb. death of Mrs. Pauline Campbell Davis, 67, wife of T. I. Davis, oucurred Thursday morning at 7 o'clock at her home on Lexington avenue, following an illness of sev.

eral weeks. She was born in Vicholas county and was the daughter of the late Thomas M. and Margaret Banta Campbell. She moved to Car. lisle at the time of her marriage, where she lived until 30 years ago, when she moved to Winchester.

Besides her husband, four children sur. vive. They are David Davis, a member of the Winchester police force; John Davis, Shelbyville; Abram Davis, of the navy; Mrs. J. T.

McCray, of North Middletown, and Mrs. Alex Hardman, of this city; three brothers, W. P. Campbell, of, Frankfort; A. B.

Campbell, of Lexington, and G. P. Campbell, of Illinois. Funeral services will be held at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon at the grave in the Winchester cemetery, conducted by Dr. S.

B. Lander, of the Presbyterian church. Pallbearers will be: Active, Dr. Thomas Campbell, Spark Wilson; Thomas Prewitt, Grover Fluty, Walter Her. rick and Edward Smith; honorary, Robert McCray, Roger Eads, C.

B. Reed, J. W. Brandenburg, James B. Broadhurst 'and Jesse Kash.

Dr. Hugh McLellan, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, has announced a special series of sermons, which will be given each Sunday beginning February 12, on the world's great religious movement. The subject of the first sermon, which will be given next Sunday, will be "Judaism--The Mother of Religion." Mrs. Zol Amster is confined to her bed at her home on Burns avenue with a sprained back which sustained on Tuesday evening when she slipped and fell while assisting banqueting at the Eastern Star Herbert H. Moore has sold his property on the corner of Main street and French avenue to Henry Richards.

Possession will given March 1. Mr. Moore has formed a partnership with former Gov. William J. Fields and the new firm will open law offices in Louisville February 1.

A third member. of the firm will be announced later. Mr. and Mrs. Moore and two children will leave soon.

Used Cars We are offering special bargains in the following used cars: 1927 Deluxe Dodge sedan, 1926 leather finished Dodge sedan, 1924 model Buick six sedan, 1924 model Buick six sedan, 1926 Studebaker special six phaeton, 1926 Essex coach, 1926 Nash roadster. Easy terms. Swope Motor Car Company, 17 N. Main Flowers for all occasions. We are prepared to furnish you with all kinds of floral decorations.

Large orders are our specialty. Adkins Hull. Call Dr. Thomas R. Carter, professor of New Testament Greek at Vanderbilt university, Nashville, was present at Kentucky Wesleyan college OR Thursday morning and addressed the of the student body at the chapel assembiy.

Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Bruen, of Beckley, W. are spending several days in Clark county, the guests of Mrs. Bruen's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. W. H. Golden. Mrs.

Bruen was Miss Susan Golden, of this county, before her marriage. Mrs. J. T. Stokley and Mrs.

B. F. Adco*ck spent Thursday as visitors in Lexington. Mr. Mrs.

Bert McCullum, of San Antonio, Texas, are the guests of Mr. McCullum's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George McCullum, at their home on West Hickman street. The Y.

W. Baptist church is meet Tuesday afternoon, February 14, with Miss Callie Lisle at her home on the Boonesboro road. The following members of the T. N. T.

Bridge club were present for regular meeting Wednesday evening when Henry Bessuden presided as host at the Kumm Inn tearoom: Eleanor Simpson, Jean Mithoeger, June Bush Hunter and Dorothy Massie: and June Ellis, of Lexington; Neal Clay and James Waller Bean, Mr. and Mrs. Jay 11. Tate and Mr. and Mrs George Proctor.

The high score prizes were won by Miss Dorothy Massie and Jay Tate. LIVESTOCK SALES RICHMOND LIVESTOCK to The RICHMOND, Feb. total 355 head of stock sold at the regular sale of the Richmond Sales Company yesterday for a total of 314.89. The prices were good and a crowd attendance, considering the threatening weather. The receipts and quotations fol.

low: Hogs -Receipts, 258; lights, $8 to and packers, heavies, fat pigs, sows, $4.50 to stock shoats, $6.40 to $7.75. Calves-Receipts, 77; tops fair good, $12.25 to common to fair, $8.10 to $8.50. Cattle--Receipts, 20; cows, $4.20 to $8.80.1 WINCHESTER SALES to The WINCHESTER, Feb. large crowd was present at the sale of the Farmers Sales Company today despite the cold. The run was heaviest on hogs.

Your Child's Cold Needs this Double Treatment CHILDREN hate to be "dosed." When rubbed on, Vicks relieves colds 2 ways at once without (1) Its healing vapors, released by the body heat, are inhaled direct to the air passages; (2) "It draws out" the soreness like an old-fashioned poultice. TEACHING A TO NATION AVOID acts (2) ways SEVERE at once COLDS ICK. 2 VAPOR OVER 17 MILLION JARS USED YEARLY Prices and receipts follow: Veal calves, 113 head; tops, $16; seconds, others, $14.50 and down. Cattle, 128 head; heifers, 11.60: fat cows, milk cows, bulls, cows and calves, $43 063. Hogs, 49 head; 200-250 pounds, 150-195 pounds, 8.80; 125-145 pounds, 100-120 pounds, shoats, 7.20; heavy sows, $4.60 rough Sows, The next sale will be held February 23.

Remote Tasmania is to have a large silk mill. Itching, Annoying Skin Irritations Apply Healing Liquid Zemo When applied as directed, Zemo effectively and quickly stops Itching, and relieves Skin Irritations such Eczema, Pimples, Rashes, Dandruff and Chafing. Zemo penecleanses and soothes the skin. It is a clean, dependable healing liquid convenient to use any time. 35c, 60c and $1.00.

zemo FOR SKIN IRRITATIONS All. Announcing A Complete Showing of ORIENTAL RUGS Mr. Benjamin has just returned from the Oriental Rug Market with the most comprehensive collection of Oriental Rugs to be found. These rare and gorgeous rugs are now on display a at Purcell's on the fourth floor. We cordially invite you to view this mammoth collection of the highest quality, the most unusual designs and beautiful colorings in Oriental Rugs.

"When more beautiful and better rugs are woven in the Orient, Mr. Benjamin will have ORIENTAL RUGS Fourth Floor Exclusively Incorporated ONLY 2 MORE DAYS of the Big FURNITURE AUCTION OF THE L. L. Roberts Furniture Co. 425-429 WEST MAIN STREET These two days will bring to a close the greatest value-giving sale of Home Furnishings ever held in this community.

Those who think and shop will realize this is a real sale- one where real bargains in the broadest sense of the word can be had- -Where a little cash goes a TREMENDOUS way in Furniture and Rugs. This will be your one big and last opportunity to share in them. Don't Miss It! Sales Daily at 2 and 7:30 P. M. COME SEE MRS.

E. M. HUTCHINSON Mrs. Hutchinson, 560 South Upper says: "I was very nervous and everything upset me. I had become weak and run down in general.

Husky has built up and strengthened my entire system and that continual weak feeling is gone. My digestion is also much better. This medicine has done nie a world of good.".

The Lexington Herald from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)
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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.