PSO2 NGS Headline Recap #39 (2024)


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September 3rd

PSO2 NGS Headline Recap #39 (1)

Planetcrusher Blitz Rank 2

  • Fight Malignant Dark Falz Dalion.
  • Its previous moveset has been enhanced and has new attacks.
  • You can fail the quest with 5 incapacitation or exceeding the time-limit.
  • Weekly Tasks for earning SG will be updated.
  • Quest can be accepted at any time at the North Kvaris teleported.

September 10th

PSO2 NGS Headline Recap #39 (2)

Limited Quest: Zenith Firefight

  • Takes place in Leciel, where you'll fight Ruine Angele.
  • Quest requires that M.A.R.S. is unlocked.
  • You can use the M.A.R.S. battery charger.
  • Limited Time Tasks and Title Tasks will give you N-Special Ability Transfer Pass Voucher, M.A.R.S. themed Build Parts, Special Scratch Tickets, and more!
PSO2 NGS Headline Recap #39 (3)

AC Scratch: Shadowblade Knights

  • Dark knight-themed Basewear and Gothic robes
  • Scratch Bonus: MTN: Dash – Magic Incantation EX

NGS Season 36

  • Features Stamps, My Shop 3 Day Usage, SG Scratch Ticket Prize Slips.
  • Mag Form/ Magi Feathers

September 18th

PSO2 NGS Headline Recap #39 (4)

New Rank: Ordinal Tower

  • Rank 8 will be added to Trania Advance: Ordinal Tower
  • Rank 8 will have a tower-type field with 5 floors.
  • Each level will have a trial.
  • The key to clearing it as quickly as possible is to use the various gimmicks placed on each level.
  • You'll fail the quest if you are incapacitated too many times.
  • New Limited-time Tasks and Title Tasks to get Preset Ability Enhance Success & Substitute Lv.1
PSO2 NGS Headline Recap #39 (5)

Limited-Quest: Polaris Firefight

  • High-difficult version of Zenith Firefight mentioned above.
  • Battle against Ruine Angele solo
  • A Title Task which can be acquired by clearing it with an S-Rank will be added.
  • M.A.R.S. is also required to be unlocked for this quest.

Treasure Scratch 5

  • A variety of items and hard-to-find items will be available.
  • To play, you must acquire Treasure Scratch Ticket Vol 5 from Emergency Quests and Limited-Time Daily Tasks.
PSO2 NGS Headline Recap #39 (6)

New Line Strike Cards

  • Fifteen new cards will be added.
  • In addition to Aina, Manon, Nadereh, Guren, and other characters from NGS characters, a number of skills with new effects will be added.

Worthy Opponent: [Passive Skill]

  • Increases Attack based on the number of target enemies.

Solidarity: [Passive Skill]

  • Increases Attack based on the number of ally Element types on the Field (excluding this card)

All-Terrain: [Passive Skill]

  • Moves card in the direction of the arrow at the start of the turn and increases their Attack.

Technique Support: [Passive Skill]

  • Enhances enemy debuff effect on allies.

Summoning Seal:

  • When summoned, prevents summoning on the targeted square of the next turn.


  • Nullifies any Attack debuff, Stun, or other Disrupt effect (one time only) on the selected ally.

PP Down

  • Decreases battle opponent's PP when activated, (cannot make PP negative).


  • When activated, in exchange for destroying the selected allies, raises PP in accordance with the number of allies destroyed.
PSO2 NGS Headline Recap #39 (7)

Kaiju No. 8 Collaboration Announced

PSO2 NGS Headline Recap #39 (8)

AC Scratch: Kaiju No. 8 Style

  • Dress up as Reno Ichikawa, Kikoru Shinomiya, Mina Ashiro, and Soshiro Hoshina.
  • Collab contains voiced Stamps with quotes from iconic scenes, Build Parts featuring the teaser and key visuals, and ARKS ID Backdrops.
  • Voice Tickets will also be available.
  • Scratch Count Bonus includes full body suit of Kaiju No. 8.
PSO2 NGS Headline Recap #39 (9)

Kaiju No. 8 Login Bonus

  • Login bonuses includes acrylic stands Build Parts of Kafka Hibino, Reno Ichikawa, Kikoru Shinomiya, Mina Ashiro, Soshiro Hoshina, and Kaiju no. 8.

September 24th

PSO2 NGS Headline Recap #39 (10)

Limited Quest: Drill Unidentified Region X2048

  • Players compete with each other to earn Quest Points from delivering the final blow to an enemy.
  • Photon Boost Crates will appear, allowing you to buff various abilities for a set time.
  • Limited-time Tasks and Title Tasks reward N-Special Ability Transfer Pass Voucher, Special Scratch Tickets, and Titles.
PSO2 NGS Headline Recap #39 (11)

AC Scratch: Stylish Autumn

  • Cropped Denim Jackets and Casual Dresses.
  • Lobby Action: Kitty Pose 2 & Besties Pose 2
  • Scratch Bonus: MTN: Glide – Handy Propeller EX

October 1st

PSO2 NGS Headline Recap #39 (12)

Revival AC Scratch: Rewind Collection Oct '24

  • Revival of NGS spec prizes from previous Octobers.
  • Scratch Count Bonus contains EX-version Motion Changes and PSO2 Spec Ghost Suit Mini and Kitty Hairpin Black

Letter From The Developers

Limited-Time Quest: Zenith Firefight

Over a month has passed with the release of MARS, and now that players have had some time to train up, they felt that players needed a new boss to sink their teeth into. Therefore, they have released Ruine Angele, an NGS buffed version of Nemesis Angele, and release it with the Zenith Firefight Quest.

A week later, the Polaris Firefight will be released. There are no major differences in the rewards between Zenith and Polaris, except for the Title of having it cleared in S-Rank for Polaris.

Second Batch of Line Strike Cards

At long last, the characters of NGS will be joining the fray. A number of cards will be added to significantly change things up from the first batch.

The passive skill "Technique Support" for Ice element characters gives a +1 effect value to enemy debuffs by allies. This makes it easier to build decks centered around debuffing the enemy.

The PP Down effect works well against PP conservation tactics and cards that increase PP.

The Barrier Support effect will nullify enemy disruption effects one time. This makes it a good counter against powerful disruption effects such as Stun, Move, and Switch.

Other powerful cards like Guren, Aina, and Pharia will further strengthen the traits of each element.

From this batch onward, they will be adding carefully selected cards with new abilities to expand the range of strategies for each element.

Planned Update for ★11 Exelio Weapon Series and ★10 Ektasis Armor.

Since the purpose of this update is to encourage the use of enhanced equipment for a longer period of time, they have designed the equipment to inherit various equipment-based parameters when evolving such as Grind Level, Potential Level, Preset Abilities, Special Abilities, and Multi-Weaponizations.

While they had introduced this as a new feature for the Item Lab in the last NGS Headline, they have changed the policy to make it more convenient and implementing as a feature with the Item Trade. More details in the next NGS Headline.

ARKS Operation Report

PSO2 NGS Headline Recap #39 (13)

It's Hard to search for EX Augments. Could you make the feature easier to use?

They plan to make it possible in the Special Ability Preset Skill Search Settings to include a question mark at the end of an EX Special Ability to search for variants. For example, EX Light Attack Protect? to search for all other similar Special Abilities.

They are pushing to include this in a December update.

New Face Options were added in April. Are they any plans to release more in the future?

They currently are working on more face presets that will anime-like expressions. These are set to release in October. We will also add more sample faces so players who struggle to make cute faces can have fun.

Can you make the M.A.R.S. Training Center always playable?

We are considering adding more features to the M.A.R.S. Training Center to make it easier to try out a variety of actions as well as releasing it as a standing quest. The target date for this is around December.

Japan Satellite Information

PSO2 NGS Headline Recap #39 (14)

12 Hour Livestream Returns

  • Broadcast Time: September 13th, 2024 @ 20:00 ~ September 14th, 2024 @ 08:00 JST.
  • Broadcast Channel: NGS Official YouTube Channel
  • Broadcast Ship: Ship 9
  • For the first time in four years, PSO2 is having another 12 hour livestream.
  • This stream features a long-running Let's Play session, and a discussion looking back at the 12th anniversary of PSO2.
  • You can also watch gameplay of the new cards coming to Line Strike.

Satellite Information

PSO2 NGS Headline Recap #39 (15)

PSO2 Original Soundtrack

  • Vol 9 & 10 are coming in September.
PSO2 NGS Headline Recap #39 (16)

Headstart 10-a-day! Free SG Scratch (09/1/2024)

  • You can draw 10 SG Scratches a day, for a total of 100 times.

Other Campaigns (09/01/2024)

  • Item Enhancement Support Campaign
  • Treasure Scratch
PSO2 NGS Headline Recap #39 (17)

PSO2 Day Revamped

  • PSO2 Day occurs both for the 1st ~ 3rd and the 21st ~ 23rd of the month.
  • All Players experience EXP +50% Boost, Rare Drop Rate +100% Boost, 50 SG, Special Scratch Tickets, Material Storage use (5 Days), and N-Color Change Passes.
  • In addition to that, Premium players will get an additional Rare Drop Rate of +50% and Drop Item Preset Skill Rate +50%, and 50 SG, Material Storage Use (5 Days), and N-Color Change Passes.

Next NGS Headline

PSO2 NGS Headline Recap #39 (18)

October 1st

PSO2 NGS Headline Recap #39 (2024)
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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.