GTA Online weekly update for July 27-August 2, 2023, released (2024)

Publish date: 2024-06-20

GTA Online’s new weekly update is finally here, continuing the Summer Racing Event from last week with the introduction of additional bonuses. From now till August 2, 2023, players can earn double cash and RP by participating in the Junk Energy Time Trials via the Inductor bike. The Issi Classic Races are back in the limelight too, as these are giving 3x bonuses for all competitors this week.

All of the last week’s racing rewards are still live, allowing racers to earn a good amount of money through a variety of game modes. Car showrooms have also received a new stock of vehicles, including some of the fan-favorites like the Dinka RT300 and the Maibatsu MonstroCiti. Exciting discounts and many more things await players as the new GTA Online weekly update event started today.

Summer Racing Event continues with the new GTA Online weekly update today (July 27 to August 2, 2023)

3x Cash and RP

  • Special Vehicle Stunt Races
  • Open Wheel Races
  • Street Races
  • Pursuit Races
  • Issi Classic Races

2x Cash and RP

  • Junk Energy Time Trials

The Junk Energy Time Trials are a great way to earn in-game cash this week without using any GTA Online money glitches.

New stock of showroom cars this week (July 27 to August 2)

Simeon’s Premium Deluxe Motorsport Showroom

  • Pegassi Monroe
  • Pfister Growler (Kisama Grafitti livery)
  • Benefactor BR8
  • Progen PR4
  • Dinka RT3000

Luxury Autos Showroom

  • Vysser Neo
  • Maibatsu MonstroCiti

Podium Vehicle (The Diamond Casino & Resort’s Lucky Wheel)

  • Dinka Jester Classic

LS Car Meet Prize Ride

  • Ocelot Ardent

HSW Premium Test Ride (available for PS5 & Xbox Series S/X only)

  • Principe Deveste Eight HSW

Test Track Vehicles this week

  • Coil Raiden
  • Progen GP1
  • Benefactor Streiter

The current GTA Online podium car, the Dinka Jester Classic, is a 2-door classic civilian sports model based on the real-life 4th generation Toyota Supra and the Nissan 300ZX (Z32).

List of weekly discounts in GTA Online one should know about (July 27 to August 2)

40% off

  • Vysser Neo

30% off

  • Progen Emerus
  • Progen PR4
  • Progen GP1
  • Eclipse Blvd. Garage Property
  • Avenger Missiles and Front Machine Guns Upgrades
  • Avenger Mammoth Thruster

25% off

  • Maibatsu MonstroCiti

Players can easily earn a good amount of money by participating in all of the aforementioned bonus events while they wait anxiously for the Grand Theft Auto 6.

Poll : Do you find this week's update worth playing the game?

68 votes

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GTA Online weekly update for July 27-August 2, 2023, released (2024)


What is the GTA weekly update July 27? ›

The GTA Online weekly update for July 27, 2023 carries on the summer racing event, but offers little in the way of business-based bonuses to make money fast.

How long is 24 hours in GTA 5 Online? ›

A day in GTA 5 Online lasts exactly 48 minutes in real-time. Each in-game day cycles through 24 hours, meaning every minute in the real world is like half an hour in Los Santos. So, if you're planning your heists or just wanna hang out watching the sunset, now you know how much time you've got!

Does GTA 5 update every week? ›

GTA$ and RP bonuses, plus a new Adversary Mode are all waiting for you this week. It's time for another GTA Online weekly update. Each week brings a new set of rewards, prizes, and goodies for you to get your hands on.

How long is 3 GTA days? ›

GTA Online doesn't make it obvious how long an in-game day is, and some players won't bother counting or calculating it. Just know that 48 real-life minutes is equal to one day in the game, which is the same for other HD Universe titles like Grand Theft Auto 5.

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The Rhino Hunt Adversary Mode, where one Rhino Tank takes on a swarm of sticky bomb-wielding off-road vehicles, will reward 2x GTA$ and RP all this week. Finding G's Cache each day will also reward 2x GTA$ and RP all week.

What date is GTA 5? ›

Grand Theft Auto V was released in September 2013 for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, in November 2014 for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, in April 2015 for Windows, and in March 2022 for the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S.

How long will GTA 5 take to finish? ›

But how long, in general, does it take to finish GTA 5? According to, the average time to finish the story on its own is 32 hours. But if you're a gamer who aims to do absolutely everything in the game, it'll take you 83 1/2 hours.

How long is a full GTA 5 day? ›

A GTA 5 day spans 48 real-time minutes, encapsulating both day and night cycles to create a dynamic gaming experience. This accelerated timeline encourages players to strategize their activities and missions within the game's unique temporal framework.

How long is 1 hour GTA? ›

One of the major differences in the HD Universe is that time now moves at a rate of one in-game minute for every two real-life seconds. Therefore, one in-game hour is now two real-life minutes and one in-game day is now 48 real-life minutes.

Can you finish GTA 5 in a day? ›

When focusing on the main objectives, Grand Theft Auto V is about 32 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 85 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

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GTA Online weekly update today is all about new cop cars and bonuses (July 11-17, 2024) The new GTA Online weekly update features the following main things: New vehicles: Declasse Impaler LX Cruiser.

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The much-awaited Canis Castigator, a brand-new SUV, finally debuted in Los Santos today. Moreover, Rockstar Games has introduced new Daily Madrazo Bounties for all Bottom Dollar Bail Enforcement business owners, giving double cash and RP until July 24, 2024.

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The Dominator FX is heavily based on the 1979–1982 Ford Mustang, albeit lacking front side markers and featuring a quintuple tail light set-up instead of the sextuple set-up.

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Available for purchase from Legendary Motorsport for $909,000.

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Author: Mr. See Jast

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Views: 5786

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (55 voted)

Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Mr. See Jast

Birthday: 1999-07-30

Address: 8409 Megan Mountain, New Mathew, MT 44997-8193

Phone: +5023589614038

Job: Chief Executive

Hobby: Leather crafting, Flag Football, Candle making, Flying, Poi, Gunsmithing, Swimming

Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.