Des Plaines School District 62 uses Infinite Campus as ourstudent information system.
Infinite Campus is a district-wide system designed to manage attendance, grades, schedules, assessments and other information about students.
Families will have access to the Campus Portal which is a confidential and secure website that allows parents/guardians to log in and view information about their student.
Link to Campus Parent
Why Use It?
The Infinite Campus Parent Portal will provide you with real-time information about your student such as:
- Attendance
- Bus Routes
- Calendars
- District and School Notifications
- Fees
- Free and Reduced Lunch Applications
- Grades
- Health Information
- Report Cards
In addition, online registration for the 2024-2025 school year will take place through Parent Portal beginning in February.
Campus Parent Account
Within a few days of registration being approved, you will receive a email with directions for setting up your password protected Campus Portal account.
The parent portal can be accessed through a computer, a mobile web browser, or the Campus Parent Android or iOS app.
If you have more than one students enrolled, you will be able to access information for all students through one parent account.
Use the district link sent to you after registration to BEGIN the setup process and create your Username and Password.
Note: After you hit submit and enter the portalyou will be requiredto provide an email address to send a passwordreset link to and then enter your just created portal password.
The Person GUID code allows parents to set up a Campus Parent account in Infinite Campus. Please see the instructions below for setting up the account.
District 62 Guidelines:
The following instructions are used to create a Campus Parent User:
- Select Campus Parent
- Select New User?
- If applicable, Request Activation Key* by emailing
- Enter Activation Key (GUID)
- Enter Username & Password
Campus Parent Login
- Logging in from a Web Browser
- Logging in to the App
Logging in from a Web Browser
Students and parents have different login pages.
- Visit
- Enter the parent username and password you set up on your initial visit to Campus Parent.
- Click Log In!
Note: The language used for the Campus Parent site can be changed using the selector at the bottom of the screen.
Logging in to the App
The Campus Parent apps provide the same tools as the browser version,with the benefit of the option to stay logged in and receive push notifications.
Download the Campus Parent appfrom the App Store or Google Play Store
2. For District name enter Des Plaines and for State enter Illinois.Then select Search District
4. Enter your username and password.
5.If using a secure, private device, you can indicate Stay Logged in to receive mobile push notifications.
6. Click Login!
** Please noteDistrict 207 and District 62 are separate parent portals. Each requires their own username and password and separate logins.
**We recommend you dedicate the parent portal App for one district and use a web browser for the other district .
Campus Parent Navigation
- Toolbar icon use this to accessthe portal page information menu
- Toolbar menu has links to calendar, assignments, grades, fees, report cards, and more (seesection Campus Parent Toolbar Menu Pages)
- Select Languageto choose portal language (for now the options areEnglish, Español,简体中文,繁體中文)
Select Settings to access preferences fornotifications, contact preferences, and preferred district language communications (English, Español, Polski, or Русский) - Switch between multiple students
The Home page provides an overview of your student’s course schedule, assignments due, current fees and district announcements.
If you have more than one child enrolled in D62, you can select which one you wish to view at any time by clicking the selector in the upper right corner of the screen.
Campus Parent Toolbar Menu Pages
- Calendar
- Assignments
- Grades
- Attendance
- Schedule
- Report Cards
- Fees
- Free and Reduced-Price Meal Application
- Transportation
- More
The Calendar tool displays the students assignments, schedule, and attendance for any date selected in the calendar. To change the display, click on the tab you would like to view (Assignments, Schedule, or Attendance).
The Assignments tool shows you the student’s assignments and their score for each assignment. Clicking on the Right Arrow next to each score will display more information for that specific assignment.
*Not all schools post assignments for students.
The Grades tool shows you the past grades and comments for this year and the current term’s “In Process” grades. The comment and details for each grade are available via the icons in below each grade.
Note: If your school is not using the Campus Gradebook, you will only see the information for the completed terms.
The Attendance tool will show the total of absences and tardies for the student in each term. Depending on your school and grade level you may also be able to click on a course to get additional information.
The Schedule tool displays the details for a student’s schedule, including the differences between any early release days.
Report Cards
Parent Instructions for accessing Report Cards in Campus Parent
- Log in to Campus Parent or select the Campus Parent app on your mobile device
- Select Documents
- Select School Year and Report Card to download
Parent Instructions for accessing Report Cards in Campus Parent
- Log in to Campus Parent or select the Campus Parent app on your mobile device
- Select Grades
- Standards are labeled “In-progress” prior to being finalized
The Fees tool will display any fees assigned and current balances. Clicking the right arrow next to any fee will display details for that fee, such as the fee type, applied payments, and transaction dates.
To pay fees, click Add to Cart next to each fee item. Open your cart to checkout and pay fees.
Free and Reduced-Price Meal Application
Under MoreselectMeal Benefits Application.
Note: See directions forcompleting your application andgo here for more informationon the Free and Reduced-Price Meal Program.
Under Moreselect Transportation.
Here you will find bus name, time, and stop to school and home from school.
The More section is where you can see additional information for your student:
- Assessment information
- Important Dates (School Non-attendance days)
- Transportation
- Online Registration
- Student Reports to print report cards
Quick Links will take you to the website for the district or your student’s school.
Lunch Funds
- Adding Funds to Lunch Accounts in Infinite Campus
- Setting Up Recurring Payments in Infinite Campus
- Set Up Low Balance Notifications
Adding Funds to Lunch Accounts in Infinite Campus
Follow the steps below to quickly and easily add funds to your student's lunch account in Infinite Campus.
1. Log into your Infinite Campus Account.
On the home screen, click the "Pay" button under Food Service Balance at the center of the screen.
2. Click the blue "Pay" button
This screen allows you to choose the student to add funds to.
3. Enter the amount of funds to add
On this screen, you can see the current balance of your student's lunch account and enter the amount of funds you would like to add to that balance.
Click the blue "Add to Cart" button.
4. Click "My Cart" to finish the payment
The funds added in the previous step should now be displayed in your cart.
5. Enter payment information and email
Once you have selected a payment method and added an email for your receipt, click the blue "Submit Payment" button.
6. Payment complete - view your receipt
You will be presented with a receipt screen upon submitting your payment.
Funds should now be displayed in parent portal for your student's account.
Setting Up Recurring Payments in Infinite Campus
Parents and guardians can set up recurring payments on their student's lunch account to automatically add funds throughout the school year using the following steps:
1. Click on "My Accounts"
From the Infinite Campus home screen, click on the "My Accounts" button in the image below on the right side of the screen.
2. Click on "Recurring Payments" option
3. Click on the arrow under "Amount"
4. Fill out the Recurring Payments Form
Once complete, click the blue "Save" button. Funds will now be added to your student's lunch account at the selected frequency.
Set Up Low Balance Notifications
Infinite Campus can automatically send alerts to Parents and Guardians when their student's meal balance has gone below a selected threshold. To configure these alerts in your Infinite Campus account, follow the steps below:
1. Click on the green profile button in the top right corner of the Infinite Campus homepage.
2. From the menu that appears, click the blue "Settings" link
3. Click on "Notifications Settings"
4. Adjust your settings to lunch balances to an amount of your choice
The most commonly selected is less than $5.00.
5. Click the blue "Save" button